Though this has been quoted as an example of the expanding reach of Bollywood in the global music landscape, I see this as another case in the move to "virtual" which is a norm in the new digital age. Today most of the music is heard in "virtual" format. I dont remember the last time i bought a CD including a MP3 Cd. Most music I have heard or owned by me and people around me is virtual. BY virtual i mean that its not purchased in the "physical" form of CDs. It is either downloaded on a cellphone or on an iPod or downloaded from the net (either P2P or purchased) or perhaps obtained from a peer from one device to another via bluetooth.According to this press release, last Saturday, Don became the first Bollywood movie whose music has been released on iTunes even before its CD’s hit the stores.
Hungama Mobile, which focuses on marketing Bollywood content in the form of images, videos, games and applications, has made the Don music available on iTunes.
The Don soundtrack has been featured on the ‘World’ music page of iTunes. Six reviews so far, and a rating of 4.5 out of five. Not bad, over four days.
This points to the increasing trend of virtualisation catching up with the Indian pschye. However not long ago I remember people rubbishing the concept of "pay-per-download' for music in India. The general logic was why would someone pay when the net offered tools for piracy to any soul who could use Google search. However the early piracy and non-copyright sites like Napster have infact laid the foundation for the "Pay" concept. They accustomed the user to listening to music on "downloadable" devices. And now the iTunes and other pay sites of the world enable the users to move to the next level of "customising" the music to be played on their download compatible devices. You no longer need to download or buy the entire album ut can download a single song and make your own CD's. And are we ready to pay 10 Rs for it.....Yes of course !!!!!!!!! After all, you would have spend 4 times that just to get a good quality song from a CD.
The move to virtual shall have a bigger impact on the current Microsoft models of the world. With Google office informal tie-up with Apple we could gradullay see people downloading replacements to the CD's of Microsoft office. And knowing gGoogle they would cookup an Advertisement based model to make the downloadable software free or extremely cheap for users. Also this "virtual' world could lend to an open source nature of softwares open to upgrades and useful additions by users. An exampleof this is the Zimbra mail which is an open source email platform. Its as good as the microsoft office and has a far better GUI than any of the existing biggies of the mail world like Yahoo and Gmail. And being open source, it just keeps on improving...... I am not sure if they have a commercial arrangement but the new Rediffmail Beta seems to be based on Zimbra.
Well maybe one day people would be downloading "Orgasms" tooo to get rid of the physical wife/husbands :-) ......!!!!!
Long live the New Age of "Virtualisation"
"A Supermarket of Blogs where you will find the selection of best reads from across various blogs and sites along with some "in house" writings by me"
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The new age a move from "Physical to Virtual "
Friday, August 11, 2006
Mumbai/Delhi - Cheap Cities or Cheap Expectations
Rashmi Bansal in her guest column in Business Standard proves that if we consider Purchasing power vs prices, this may not be true. The numbers speak the truth, however I believe that Mumbai, Delhi are still cheap cities. They are not cheap because of the purchasing power and cost of goods but cheap because of Peoples expectations.
Rashmi rightly points out "cheap" is a relative term --- but I would take a slightly different approach to "Relative". In Mumbai and Delhi its relative to the "Percieved value" and "expected benefit"....
I agree that the purchasing power is less in Mumbai but then there is something for everyone irrespective of his purchasing power. A daily wage worker can have a "Wada pav", a middle class guy" a pav bhaji/Chinese food" and the upmarket can gorge on the "Five-course meal"---- All of them equally tasty
The inference- everyone can gorge on tasty food irrespective of his purchasing power.
The daily worker can drink "cutting chai", Middle class can have his "cuppa" in a hotel and Upmarket have the "Coffee days/Baristas"
The inference - everyone gets an affordable cuppa through different channels.
The daily worker can have free water at road side stalls, Middle class "The Bisleri/Aquafina" and Upmarkets "Evian".
Again everyone of this fulfils thirst.
The daily wage guy when he falls sick (maybe due to the free water) has the municipal hospitals for treatment, the middle class the mid-sized general wards of pvt Nursing homes and the upmarket the Speacial rooms of Lilavati.
The inference- Everyone can get treated, how effectively and efficeintly is the trouble. But again the daily wage worker "percieved value and expected benefits" are satisfied by the Muncipal hospitals as are the upmarkets by the Lilavatis
The "percieved value"(taste) of the wadapav for the price one pays and the "expected benefit" of (filling the stomach) to the daily wage earner is the same as the five course meal to the upmarket. On the other hand in some of the countries I have visited the options are limited. Water needs to be purchased and downmarket food options are too limited.
A city becomes costly when peoples "Expectations" soar beyond their current "perceived and expected value". If the dail wage earner feels that the "wada pav" is not what he deserves and desires for a five course meal then the city becomes costly. If Bisleri is the only water desired by people then the water becomes costly, else its free. But this does not hapen in India.
Over the years we Indians are conditioned to live within our means, have low expectations and be Happy.
We dont expect good roads to be good hence even a single strech of non-potholed road (barring the ups and downs of gutter covers) makes us happy--- "Perceived value"
We dont expect good public transport, hence the 4th seat in the Mumbai local gives us a feeling of having achieved the "expected benefit" and "perceived value' of the ticket.
We dont expect to have good Public health systems for masses hence the perceived value of the floor in the Municipal hospital and whatever free medicines given seems high.
Hence Yes Mumbai Is cheap, Yes Delhi is cheap, depending on wether we "Expect" people to survive on the Wada Pav, cutting chai and potholed roads or Expect them to a have decent meal, clean water and public health benefits.
It shall remain cheap as long as we dont "Expect" more from the administration, we dont "Expect" parity in basic necessities for the masses and the classes.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Pest"In"Side Cola
I think most people would echo her words in this controversy. Its too complicated for the common man to comment anyway - what with technical standards who themsleves are challenged, talks about Carcinogens and Water impurities......
I generally dont drink Cola by itself. I am a fitness fanatic and prefer my cuppa of tea or the carcinogenic Coffee. (Term i picked from this controversy). Now they tell me the cola has pesticides but the coffee is much more dangerous. Now dont tell me I should quit coffee tooo??? Well just day before someone also told me that Paneer is dangerous for the heart.... bad cholestrol or something... so I told my Punjabi wife about it and she said "well good, from now on You shall not get It...." Its only a day later did I realise that the "IT" in the sentence meant "any food".......
Anyway I dont want to drag my personal problems in this already hot controversy. Now i wonder why does it have to be Cola?... If I understand it properly the cola war is about cola's having pesticides in quantams higher than "Some" Standard (which by the way is itself controversial).... However the excess is itself in PPM (parts per million) why not oppose the cigarrates of these world. which are harmful as a whole? Why not ban them as promptly as the govt. of MP and Gujarat banned Colas? I am sure more poison sticks are sold than Colas and they have a faster effect than colas?
I remember someone asking a similar question on the NDTV show but he was silenced by Barkha dutt by saying that "Just because bigger evils are not banned cannot be a justification for not banning smaller evils". DO You agree?? I dont. I smell a rat here. WHy go behind Cola companies who would want to guard their image and pay compensations vs going for Smoke companies who would agree readily to their ill effects? Why I say?
Anyway... I think all this boils down to one question.. the question of choice. I as an indiviual should be made aware of what the world thinks to be right and wrong.. but the choice of what I want to do must be left to me.. as long as I dont harm anyone else in the process.
Colas are bad for health.. You dont need a Nutritionist to tell u that, But so is Liquor, Paneer, Ghee, Or for that matter 80% of anything and everything that tastes good. So what.... I always have a choice to go for them.....why force everyone to be a fitness freak?
Anyway, You shall find enough blogs with diff opinions on this all I want to ask as a layman is a simple question. I generally drink cola in some form only to mix my drinks. All i want to know is does mixing pesticide ridden cola make my Vodka and Rum dangerous tooo or does the bad effect sof alcohol negate them?.....;-) hic hic
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
"Go back Simon" to "Tuk-Tuk Simon"

The Britishers came to India and ruled over us for 100+ years. In the process they gave India, and especially Mumbai, a lot of things. They built the drainage system prevents Mumbai from drowning and lets the Mubaikars get away with just waterlogging. They also gave us the first local train which now is the lifeline of Mumbai and the reason for some thrills in over blatant everyday lives. They also gave us almost all the tourist spots in Mumbai like the Gateway of India, Prince of wales meuseum, the entire Fort area. Above all they gave us a globally recognised and pronouncable name "Bombay" which had to be changed after a long and bloddy battle by politicians.
The government respects thier work to such great extent that any work which can be classified as"development" over and above the Britishers "great peice of art" has been condemned and thrashed over the years- apart from teh name changing ceremony. Hence we continue using the same drainage system, water system and train system without any developments.
Anyway this post is not to praise the Britishers or criticise the government as there are lots of other people actively involved in this task. This post is about "Payback" time to the Britishers. The Britishers gave us a lot of things but oppressed us 10 times more. They robbed the treasures like the Kohinoor diamond and Tipu Sultan's Sword (which Vijay Mallya got back recently for a huge amount). Their "divide and rule" policies affect us even today. I am sure every Indian wishes that he could do something similar or worst to whatever remains of the British empire and now a Keralite has finally succeeded in doing it!!!!!!!!!
How? By launching the much dreaded, feared and mentally torturous Auto-rickshaw in UK.
Yes its true- A recent Business Today article says that this man named Ponnaiah has launched Auto-rickshaw service in the seaside town of Brighton in UK. He has 12 Auto-rickshwas as of now and he plans to expand the numbers and the presence across UK. They are called "tuk-Tuks" and shall have the Unioun flag colors on them instead of the Garish yellow and black (Mumbai) or Yellow and green (Delhi). They shall also have additional side impact bars and seat belts...whoa!!!!!! The article also points out that when a bajaj Auto person was asked to comment on this he was completely stunned and just blurted "he did what!!!".. yes even the originators dont beleive that someone can themselves create an Open Jurrasic park. :-)
How did the Britishers alllow them in the country you say - well these things shall run on CNG and considering their love for cleanliness they allowed them. However what they fail to see and what I would call "payback" is the nuisance value of the tuk-tuks. I also hope that the drivers too are Indians.
Imagine a scene on a peak hour morning on a street in London. A fine lady and gentleman are waiting on the footpath and wave down a rick. The conversation in Hinglish goes as follows
Couple: Good Morning
Rickwalla:- Where go?
Couple: What ???
RW:- Aree Baba, where you go, hurry hurry...
Couple: (Finally understanding Hinglish) - Brighton avenue
RW:- 30 pounds
Couple - What..!!!!! Isn't there a meter?
RW:- There is, But Not work ..... 30 Pounds
Couple:- Thats outrageously my friend, it is your duty to ensure that the meter is in running condition to prevent any.........
RW: ayyo amma, No talk, 30 pound coming ? If not take other tuk-tuk... (starts to leave)
couple- OK OK 25 pounds final (;-) they too have learnt the Indian style of bargaining)
RW- OK saab, come come
The couple shall then go for a whirlwind tour of London, careening around corners, listening to choicest abuses over and above Himesh Reshamiya bleating out in "Jhankar beat" through the ricks music system. They shall encounter some amzing traffic jams caused by Tuk-tuk's to which their own Tuk-tuk shall add some more fire.
Finally tired,battered and drained they shall get off at their destination and hand over money for the "ride of their life"
Beautiful Payback I say . We once had the slogan "Go Back SIMON" now we shall have "Tuk-TUK Simon"
Thursday, July 13, 2006
"Reselient" or "Stone hearted" Mubaikars?
Running to the TV set, I simultaneously began dialling family and friends. The networks were jammed. I stayed at work until around 1.00 am before having someone come and pick me up as the taxis were all occupied. As I made my way home, I saw more ambulances than I had seen in my life. There were people in pain, angry, desperate, and searching for signs of hope from unlikely sources.
The next day, it was the same journalists who applauded the fact that Mumbai was back at work. They called it our resilience and celebrated our 'spirit of courage'. But, as I made my way to work, I saw the remains of yesterday in the form of the expressions on faces, the worry, the police and overflowing hospitals with weeping relatives outside.
And then, it hit me. The answer to all my questions was undeniably, simply, that we do not care to 'know' the depth and breath of this calamity. We worry less about the collective and more and more about ourselves and our possessions. The biggest tragedy is we are glorified for not feeling.
And they call us resilient..."
Death of "per min" mobile calls
I see this as a crucial milestone in the death of the "per min" call rate concept we have known for so long.Seems illogical and out of this world right. I mean yes rates could fall to maybe even 50 ps per min to call to US but it should be "per min" right!!!! NO worng!!!!!!!
Do you pay for your mail on "'per min"? NO
Do you pay for yahoo messenger vocie chat "per min"? NO
Do you pay "per min" for sending the conventional letter? NO
Then why should mobile communications - which is a substitute to all these forms of comunications be any different?
The cost structure of a mobile company is never based on per minute, because mails/chats and voice calls are finally transported as packets of data over fiber optic networks. Hence they all should have the same measure and that measure is "Bytes/MB/Gb" - the measure of data.
So what does all this have to do with MSN and Yahoo? Imagine you have a mobile BB connection which is charged say Rs 500 per month for a 500 MB pack. And through this connection on your mobile you are always logged in to your Yahoo/MSN messenger. Now any person on Yahoo and MSN messenger friendlist can call you and talk to you for hrs "without any per min" charge.
But what about others you say? I say, very soon there will be no others. Just like the mobile revolution has allowed even your "bhajiwala" to own a mobile, the availibility of cheap calls will make the same "bhajiwala"have an IM login id. ( :-))
The MSN-Yahoo partnership is a beggining. Today of the 400 mn worldwide users of IM 350 million are on Yahoo or MSN with and accounting for 70% of IM accounts in India. Thus the partnership makes the IM world borderless. With the giants in the fray the smaller players like AOL, Skype, ICQ all shall join the fray. Its in their benefit to do so, because unlike a mobile phone connection an IM id is easy to switch. So subscribers would find it very easy to switch to an IM service which is aprt of a larger IM consortium.
Thus the first milestone to seamlessly connect the current internet aware population on a "non- per min" world has been laid.
The real big leap shall come with the availibility of viable wireless BB solutions like WiMAX which shall be available by 2010. There are several hurdles to jump over right now and too many "technical impossibilities" visualised right now. But to all the skeptics I would just point out that in 2005 none of the sane people in the world would have forecasted a 100 million subscriber base in india in 5 years.
So "Insanities" today are the "miracles" of tomorrow. So dream on and ensure your dreams are classified "insane" today...........!!!!!!
Letter to a terrorist

Even if you are not reading this we don't care. Time and again you tried to
disturb us and disrupt our life - killing innocent civilians by planting bombs in trains, buses and cars. You have tried hard to bring death and destruction, cause panic and fear and create communal disharmony but everytime you were disgustingly unsuccessful.
We are not Hindus and Muslims or Gujaratis and Marathis or Punjabis and Bengalis. Nor do we distinguish ourselves as owners or workers, govt. employees or private employees.
and were back to normal - the vendors placing their next order, businessmen finalizing the next deals and the office workers rushing to catch the next train. (Yes the same train you targetted)
Fathom this: Within 3 hours of the blasts, long queues of blood donating volunteers were seen outside various hospital, where most of the injured were admitted. By 12 midnight, the hospital had to issue a notification that blood banks were full and they didn't require any more blood. The next day, attendance at schools and office was close to 100%, trains & buses were packed to the brim, the crowds were back
We are Mumbaikers and we live like brothers in times like this. So, do not dare to threaten us with your crackers. The spirit of Mumbai is very strong and can not be harmed.
From the people of Mumbai (Bombay)
Monday, July 10, 2006
"Corporate" Blunder

Cola War, Pesticides, NGO oppositions.......
Seems like newspaper headlines some months back? Well they are, but they also form the storyline of "Corporate" - the latest Madhur Bhandarkar film.
I generally do not like analysing Hindi film - few have anything to analyze :-), But well of those few which deserve analysis are Madhur Bhandarkar's "Page 3" and "Chandni Bar".
So why do I analyse Corporate. 3 reasons-
- Its a Madhur Bhandarkar film - expected to be well researched like its predecessors
- Its about the Corporate world of which I am a part of
- I sacrificed the first half of the World cup Finals to watch it...
Well I actually summarised the story in the first sentence of the blog. However here goes a breif Intro -- Its about two giant cola companies Marwah group lead by Raj Babbar and SGI lead by Rajat Kapoor. Its about their war to oust one another. Seems interesting but trust me this cola has no Fizz.... Its unbelievable and at times has childish errors. Anyway the story goes on that SGI launches pesticides laden mint-based cola stealing plans from Marwah. Marwah seeks revenge for stealing his plans, launches a political and media slander campaign on the pesticide content. MArwah and SGI make truce under political pressures and Bipasha the VP of SGI is made the scape-goat and sent to jail.
So now some funny moments in the movie. Bipasha the VP of SGI wants to steal the marketing plan of a "Mint-based cola!!!!!"from rival groups CEO . So she uses a Prostitute to get him in bed and while he sleeps... steals the plan from his laptop. Two funny moments
- I wonder who gave her the login to his laptop.. i guess the prostitute asked that i between the ummms..aaah and moans...;-)
- The presentation made by the CEO of cola company was ---- GROSS and he deserved to be kicked out just for his bad presentation skills if not the hooker habit.
Some illogical logics...(thats a Sammyism.. 'cause Hindi Cinema need not have logical logics)
- Why does the VP of a company go behind Bars and keep on fighting the case indiviually for 2 yrs while the Board of directors is left scott free.
- Why is the VP charged under Section 304 of IPC - which is for mass murder when the movie makes no reference of someone having died of drinking the mint drink?
- Can someone sign the affidavit stating I take sole responsibility of some organisational error which the court will acknowledge and let everyone else scott free?.
Poor Kenneth Lay (Enron fame) had he lived a little longer and seen Madhurs "Corporate" I am sure he would have appointed him as his lawyer and gone scott free......
I think all in all there is one dialogue in the film itself which describes the "Corporate Blunder"
"Jo kaam ek aadmi kar sakta hai... jab 50 log table par baith kar karte hain.. aur kharaab karte hain - usey Corporate kehte hain".
Monday, July 03, 2006
The RUDE Maharaja
"Chala chal pudhe chala".... (keep moving ahead)
"Uppar number likha hai padke aage jao?...." (Numbers are written above, read and move ahead)
Where do you think I heard this?......In the Mumbai bus? Neah.. we dont have numbers... Then? Perhaps in the train u would guess? Or In the State transport Bus...... neaah?... Its the Bus, its the train.......NO its in the Plane.....!!!!!!!!! (Well that last sentence is the influence of watching Superman.. please excuse me).
These were the words of our own Maharaja...the Air hostess of Air India Flight AI 824 from Riyadh to Mumbai. These were the words uttered by her when a fellow passenger showed her the boarding pass while boarding the plane...!!!!!
Well ok heres another shocker.......
The incident goes like this.....
The air hostess has started distributing drinks. The drinks visible on top are the usual Coke and some juices. This is how the conversation goes between the air hostess, me and the guy in the seat ahead (perhaps a first time traveller)
Air hostess: Kya chahiye? (What do you want?)
(perhaps AI instructs hostesses to use English as second language)
Guy: Kya hai? (whats there)
AH: Coke ....
Guy (cranes his neck to see if theres anything else) : OK de do (Give)
AH pours half a glass of Coke plunks in some Ice to fill in the rst of the glass and dumps it unceremoniously on the guys table, spillin a few drops on his table in the process.
AH to me: .......... (Just lifts an eyebrow asking what I want)
Me: Do you have some beer?
AH:........ (Says nothing, Perhaps she doesnt like my face)
Dumps 2 tins of Beer, removed from the cabinet of the trolley, dumps them on my table. Somehow her mannerisms make me beleive she was formerly employed in the Central jail canteen.... remember how they dump food there .... phataaaak in your plate... (Not that I have been their.. just seen in the movies..:-))
Anyway, the guy in front of me suddenly realises....theres beer tooo... Oh my god!!!!!!!! how can i drink coke?
Guy: Excuse me ...ummm.....i also want beer......
AH with a stern look that could make Mithun jump up 1 floor and shout " ayyee saala"
AH: What do u mean you want beer? Tum abhi coke liya ahi Beer bhi chahiye... aisee kaise? Ek barr decide karbe nahin hota kya......????
I suddenly started seeing the AH as the Schoolmaster and the guy as the poor 1st year kid shivering when he realises the GROSS mistake of his life he made by pulling the masters pants down.....
With this remark the AH moved on... mumbling under her breath.....and the poor guy reeling from the 7.5 richter scale earthquake he just experienced.....and me as dazed and amazed as u guys are right now.....
These incidents suddenly made me realize what the "Maharaja" - the mascot stands for....
He says " I am the treat me like one u mortal denizens of the Air world... Its your lady luck smiling which has allowed u my royal company in air.. dont you dare ask questions .....dont you dare expect more courtesy... I dont need u... You need me"
Long Live the MAHARAJA... Long Live Air India.....
Friday, June 30, 2006
The Opening Goal
Well..... Let me assure you it was a tough search.. more of an invention I should say ('cause there was no author to discover :-)....).
And now I have finally mustered the courage to inflict my writing attrocities on the world... or atleast the part of the world which cares to visit my blog....:-)
Well a breif introduction on what the blogs going to be about..........
I said it would be brief..;-)
Well actually at this point I will just leave it at that description. And yes with a disclaimer that do not expect sophistication and flowery language here... (as you would have interpreted from the blogs name itself)... it will be a free flow of "Sammyism" ...... (this is a new language having its origins in Buddhism followed by Sidhuism ).....
Sammyism shall come with a typical "Mumbai tadka" ... Fresh, light and humourous..
Bole toh "ekdaaaaaaam Jhakaaaaaaaas"
Jald aa rahela hai..... taza post....dekhte rehna